
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

*Star Book*

Hi everyone, so nice of you to drop by.
Today I have something new to show's new for me anyway.
It is a star book that I made for my daughter and her hubby for their 25th wedding anniversary.

The papers I used are DCWV *LA CREME* matstack.  It is one of their premium paper stacks and is just beautiful.  The colours are black, cream, a darker cream and a little brown.....some have flocking.

This is why it is called a *star* book.

I used my Cricut cartridges a lot for this one.  The ones I used most are *Serenade* - *Storybook* - *Sophisticated* and *Lacy Labels*
You don't want your embellishments to be too thick, so other than using pop dots on a couple of items, I kept everything flat.
I'm pretty happy with how this turned out, and will be making another one for sure.  If you would like to give it a try check out the very detailed tutorial I found on Expert Village  There are about 6 short videos, each dealing with one of the steps involved.

Have a lovely day, bye for now....


    Mike and I love this! Thank you so much!
    It is beautiful!
    Love you!!

  2. wow what a fantastic wonder your daughter loved it,so many stunning pics and it must have taken ages....a real labour of love .
    thanks for joining us at MIM and good luck
    tracey x

  3. Hello Popped by from MIM to see your Star Card. It is a Fabulous creation Faye

  4. Beautiful star book and those papers are just gorgeous.Saw this on MIM

  5. Gorgeous star book with a lot of love put into it. A real treasure for sure. Caught you on MIM. hugs, Pat K x

  6. Your book is so fantastic... I love this. I saw it over at MIM and came for a closer look. WOW!!!


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